Saturday, February 22, 2014

Gluten-Free Pizza Crusts - Packaged versus Frozen

Crust-to-Crust Competition

Look at that crust! I mean really look at that crust. No. Really. Really look at it.

That crust is one of our contenders in this Crust-to-Crust Competition.

Thick, doughy crust. Thin, crunchy crust.

Vacuum sealed and boxed. Frozen and bagged.

Schär versus Udi's.

European versus American.

Which will outperform? Which will win your heart?

Let the Games begin!

So what if I've been watching a bit (too much) of the Winter Olympics? Competition is a good thing!

Schär Pizza Crusts - Gluten-Free

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Gluten-Free Raspberry White Chocolate Cheesecake Bars

Sweets for Your Valentine

We always seem to make something sweet and delicious for Valentine's Day.

This year is no different. In that respect.

But it is time to try something different. Some sweet we don't normally make.

Not the same, fantastic gluten-free shortbread cookies. Not gluten-free red velvet cake.

Cake? Hmmm...

How about cheesecake?

Yes, how about it?

Well, most have a graham cracker crust, which makes them off limits for anyone who needs to be gluten-free.

But not so if I am baking said cheesecake myself. I can make gluten-free graham crackers.

But here, since it is Valentine's Day and raspberries are begging to be involved, I'm going to step it up to chocolate graham crackers.

My plain-Jane version of gluten-free graham crackers are the best tasting graham crackers on the planet. Or off the planet.

Adding chocolate can make them better, right?  Time to test this theory.

Gluten-Free Raspberry White Chocolate Cheesecake Bars

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Butler - A Witness to History

Book Review

The Butler - A Witness to History by Wil Haygood.

I had been hearing a lot of talk about The Butler. The movie. Which I haven't seen. 

So when I was in the library browsing the New Releases shelves, I saw this and I couldn't help but to pick this up. 

Such a small, approachable book. Why not?

I thought it would be great to read about The Bulter. It sounded like such a great story. It might just be a great book.

Time to find out.

The Butler - A Witness to History

Monday, February 3, 2014

Gluten-Free Girl Scout Cookies!

Girl Scout Cookies! For Everyone!

Does mention of the Girl Scouts make you think of anything other than cookies?

Probably not.

Ever since going gluten-free, I've had to miss out on this highly anticipated annual purchase.

Thin Mints, Samoas, Trefoils, Do-si-dos.

No doing. None of the above. Not while being gluten-free.

But this year… well, actually last year in September... my neighborhood Girl Scout informed me about their new gluten-free cookies.

Really? Gluten-Free Girl Scout Cookies? For real?

Only available in certain test markets. And lucky me! I happened to be in one of the test markets.

I didn't even care what flavor they were offering! Order me some now, please!

But I knew that I would have to wait. The order goes in, but the cookies wouldn't arrive until November. Wait, I would.

And then November came. And November went.

What happened to my gluten-free cookies?!

Then January came. Finally! My gluten-free Girl Scout Cookies had arrived!

Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Shortbread Cookies

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Eating Gluten-Free at Asian Palace

Asian Without Gluten?

Asian food doesn't usually bring up nightmares of gluten for most people. Most people envision rice. Lots of rice.

There is no gluten in rice. So, what's the problem?

Rice is not my problem. Gluten is. Unfortunately, most soy sauces on the market and available in Asian restaurants have gluten in them.

So, since having to be gluten-free, I am always on the lookout for Asian food with gluten-free soy sauce. This is easy at home, since I know how to purchase gluten-free tamari sauce.

It is not so easy when eating out.

Recently, my husband I were looking to go out for sushi. We almost defaulted to our usual, standard sushi favorite. But then I looked online for a gluten-free friendly sushi place.

Asian Palace on UrbanspoonLo and behold, I found one!

Asian Palace