Book Review
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See.Walking through the library some many, many weeks ago, I noticed a display of books. Each book was propped on a stand with a card sticking out of the top. I had to investigate.
Each card sticking out of each displayed book was a recommendation from a specific librarian.
This was a display full of recommended books. Favorites.
That sounds like a good place to get ideas for what to read next. Except that I almost never need more ideas. I usually have too many books to read. I usually have to take books back before I find the time to read them.
This time was no different. Except that I picked up this book. Even when I had more than enough to read already. Even though I didn't know when I would get to it.
But it looked exotic sitting on that recommendation table at the library.
I had to get it. And I didn't regret it.