Better is Good
I was with family. More than the usual few of us for an extended family dinner.I didn't have input into our dinner location. Someone other than me chose Outback Steakhouse.
But that's fine. Really. I was with family and that matters more than what I can and can't eat.
Well, okay, sometimes. Matters more only sometimes.
It depends on which particular members of said extended family are present.
In any case, dinner was with family this night and the family (or some segment of it) had selected Outback.
I've been to Outback a few times over the years since I've needed to be gluten-free. Each time has been separated by a few years. Each time has produced a different gluten-free experience.
At least I can say with absolute clarity that each successive gluten-free experience at Outback has gotten better.
Better understanding from servers. Better information provided. Better confidence that I would eat safely.
Better is good.
So, I wasn't concerned about eating gluten-free this night with the family.
Little did I realize that this particular night at Outback held an even better surprise for me.